Our NEW Shower Set

Our NEW Boudoir Shower Set is Now available!

Great news! We are thrilled to announce that we have recently added a brand new Shower Set to our boudoir photography options. Now, you can take your boudoir experience to the next level by adding this unique and exciting feature to your shoot.

To add the Shower Set to your session, you have two options. You can either pay for a Collection in full before your shoot date, or you can pay a fee of $199 to add it on before your session.

When it comes to clothing options for the Shower Set, we have a variety of choices to suit your preferences. You can opt for a bra and pantie set, a white wet t-shirt or tank, or even body jewelry that we provide. And of course, you have the option to go topless or even nude for a truly bold and stunning look.

We can't wait to see you shine on our new Shower Set!

If you would like to add it onto to your session please email us OR if you would like to have a consultation, Please use this link to book it Here!

Boudoir in shower
wet boudoir shower
claire pearce